For over 20 years I have been helping people with their transformation, empowering people to grow from life's challenges and living from the heart. My way of working combine my professional competencies with my sensitivity, providing unconditional acceptance and a trauma-sensitivity way of helping.
My methods are wholistic and integrative, which enables positive and sustainable transformation. I see human beings in their entirety: the social relationships, the physical body, the mind, the heart and the innermost, the spiritual dimension; integrating mindfulness-based, body-oriented, neuropsychological, trauma therapeutic and systemic approaches into my work.
Focus of my work :
Psychological pain
Relationship Stress
Toxic Relationships, Narcissism
Emotional neglect
Separation, Divorce
Spiritual abuse
Developmental trauma, Relationship trauma
Highly Sensitive Person
Personality development:
Self care
Self love
Inner Child / Ego States
Methods that shape my work:
NARM - Neuro Affective Relationship Model to heal Developmental trauma and Attachment disorders and to strengthen self-regulation and the ability to relate (Laurence Heller, PhD Psychology, Clinical Therapist & Aline Lapierre, Psychoanalyst and body therapist)
Trauma-sensitive Couples Therapy, Prof. Dr. Katharina Klees
Trauma Pedagogy and Trauma Counselling (DeGPT: German Society for Psychotraumatology)
EFCT - Emotion Focused Couples Therapy (Dr. Sue Johnson, Clinical Psychologist)
Attachment and Attachment Disorders (John Bowlby, Heather Geddes, Dr. Karlheinz Brisch)
Bessel van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score - Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma
CWF - Integrative Model of the wholistic human being (Dr. John Warlow, Psychiatrist)
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for children and adolescents - relationship-oriented, experience-based, interactive and body-oriented (Pat Ogden, PhD Psychology)
Details about my training and further education:
2-year NARM training - Neuro Affective Relationship Model for Healing Developmental Trauma, Laurence Heller (
2-year training 'Trauma Pedagogy and Trauma-centred Counselling', ÖTPZ, Austria
Master's degree in Psychosocial Counselling, DUK, Austria
Registered and Certified LSB, Austria
4-year Diploma in Counselling, CLS, Austria
Educated as Kindergarten teacher, Austria and Berlin, Germany
More Trainings and Professional Experiences:
Dance Therapeutic Methods
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Staff Care / Member Care
Third Culture and Transition issues
Trauma pedagogical case work and strategic methods planning, ÖTPZ, Austria
Psychodrama, Austria
Attachment Therapy, Dr. Karl-Heinz Brisch
Family constellations
Art therapy