Skill Training
Skill Training for Individuals, Couples and Groups
Adults and Children
The aim of the Skill Training:
To support healthy ways of regulating the nervous system by making contact with yourself
and organized and real contact with others.
Skill training promotes a person's healthy potential, inner vitality,
and supports emotional self-regulation,
a prerequisite for fulfilling contact with yourself and others.
The Skill Training deals with core skills such as:
The ability to distance oneself from stressful inner states
The ability to induce positive inner states
The main topics of training and psycho education are:
Stress tolerance
Dealing with feelings
Interpersonal skills
Self worth
For whom is the skill training suitable:
For people who want to improve their relationship skills.
For people who work in psychosocial fields and want to learn methods of stress regulation
For people with trauma experience. It is believed that the most momentous consequences of Shock trauma and Early relationship trauma are the resulting lack of emotional and self-regulatory skills.